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Aluminium Laubschutzgitter für Zinkdachrinnen
Aluminium Laubschutz Montage der Gitter an Dachrinne
Aluminium Laubschutz Montage der Gitter an Dachrinne
Aluminium Laubschutz Montage der Gitter an Dachrinne
Edelstahl Laubschutzgitter für alle Dachrinnen

Aluminum leaf guard for zinc gutters (2 meters each)

gutter size
333mm (6-piece)
250mm (8-piece)
285mm (7-piece)
400mm (5-piece)
500mm (4-piece)
200mm (10-piece)
gutter size
SKU: Laubschutz-A-gew-333

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

Lieferzeit: 2-3 Werktage

Hochwertiger 2 Meter langer Laubschutz aus 1 mm dickem Aluminium Lochblech. Optimal für halbrunde oder kastenförmige Zinkdachrinnen in allen Größen. Bitte wählen Sie die gewünschte Version (flach oder gewölbt) sowie Ihre Dachrinnengröße. Geben Sie dann die benötigte Menge an 2 Meter Stücken an. (Bsp.: 20 Meter = Menge 10) Aufgrund der Länge fallen einmalige Speditionskosten (35,10 EUR) an.

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gutter size
333mm (6-piece)
250mm (8-piece)
285mm (7-piece)
400mm (5-piece)
500mm (4-piece)
200mm (10-piece)
gutter size
SKU: Laubschutz-A-gew-333
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Flat or curved version?

"Regardless of the covering of the roof tiles, the flat version of the leaf guard fits perfectly into the gutter.
Even if the cover should not be visible from below, we recommend the flat version.

If there is enough space in the gutter without roof tiles protruding into it, we recommend the curved version.
The special curvature of the grid optimizes the rain drainage and even in heavy rain, water is prevented from running over the gutter.

Our leaf guard is made of high-quality aluminum perforated sheet and is delivered in handy 2-meter pieces.

The leaf guard is attached using clips on the front of the gutter, while the back is hooked in using a bevel.


By using high-quality metal sheets, you have the advantage of an extremely long service life for the leaf guard. This also means that the leaf guard is not flammable. The leaf guard effectively protects against the penetration of pieces of leaves. The surface mounting does not affect the flow of water in the gutter.
With our gutter guard, the wind blows leaves off the cover. Cleaning the gutter is therefore only very rarely necessary. The rigidity of the perforated sheet means that cleaning is easy and you do not have to worry about deformations, as would happen with leaf guards made of wire, for example. In addition to the practical advantages, our metal leaf guard simply looks good and adds value to your house!

Determining the right size:

The gutter size corresponds to the sheet width in mm before it is bent into the shape of a gutter.
Simply measure the diameter of your gutter and determine the right size using this table:

(Note: 4-piece to 10-piece is a common size unit among roofers, it does not mean that the leaf guard is delivered in 10 pieces. They are always 2 meter long pieces)

Leaf protection for semi-circular gutters:

Diameter corresponding size
80 mm 200mm (10 pcs)
105 mm 250mm (8 pcs)
127 mm 285mm (7 pcs)
153 mm 333mm (6 pcs)
192 mm 400mm (5 pcs)
250 mm 500mm (4 pcs)
Leaf protection for box-shaped gutters:

Diameter corresponding size
70 mm 200mm (10 pcs)
85 mm 250mm (8 pcs)
100 mm 285mm (7 pcs)
120 mm 333mm (6 pcs)
150 mm 400mm (5 pcs)
200 mm 500mm (4-piece)

For box-shaped gutters, please leave us a short message during the ordering process, as the clips are slightly different from those of the semi-circular gutters.

Scope of delivery of the leaf guard:

  • 2 meter piece of aluminum leaf guard
  • 3 matching clips for fastening are included for every 2 meter piece.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Leicht zum montieren

Ich habe die flache Variante und diese war einfach zu montieren. Lochdurmeeser könnte noch etwas kleiner ausgeführt werden. Macht insgesamt einen guten Eindruck aber dies wird sich erst nach 1-3 Jahren feststellen lassen


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